I think i must be getting old and grumpy, it seems like every year there is a new addition to languages that you need to learn. Im not sure these are all good things myself. Im mainly moaning about the new (and not so new) features to C++ like foreach and auto.
Lets clear one thing up, i dont find it hard to understand these, ive used similar in many languages but im not sure they belong in C++. I feel that all it really does is make for lazy programming. Why do you need a foreach instruction, it can be done just as easily in a standard for instruction. What is the advantage beyond having to type a few less characters. I can tell you one thing.. It damn well slows down the compiler.
I remember getting the first Intel P90 in the office to compile on, it was amazing, code built in no time. Now i find myself waiting well over an hour sometimes for something to compile! Im on a i7 Six Core with 32Gb of Ram running SSD, this should never NEVER happen!
So yes, im sure lots of people will tell me how wonderful it is to use foreach/auto etc and all these things, im sure they will give good reasons for them... to me you are wrong.. its lazy, just learn to type faster, and then maybe we can all compile code quicker again....
Blame the compiler not the language.
Maybe the compiler is slow because the language is too complex to make it faster.
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